Rent-a-Rabbit provides the best temporary pet options!

Above are Nibble & Sniff - our two most popular rentees 

Below is the late Ronald rabbit who died tragically in Tuscon when taken advantage of by a customer.

Our favorite rental - Butch

About Us

We are sick and tired of people  walking cats and dogs. Improve your neighborhood (and impress neighbors) with a rabbit on a lead!  We deliver a wide range of US-Veterinary approved rabbits in a range of colors to complement your choice of clothing. 

You may use your own pet jewelry on our rabbits but no piercings. Remember major polling companies have found that  most North American rabbits prefer bling-style accessories when out in public.Contact us here.


We will even take and care for your existing dog or cat while you walk our really smart, street-wise rabbits. Some rabbits come pre-dyed, so, if you like to wear bright clothing, just  select a matching color.

Sorry, we do not allow clients to breed any of our rented rabbits with non 'Rent-a-Rabbit' pets in your locality.

For just $1.50 we will also supply your rental rabbit's favorite  carrot and lettuce-flavored  snacks.


We are qualified to care for and train any type of pet as long as it is a rabbit, and have excellent training facilities to enhance rabbit behaviors. We are experienced with other furry pets but rabbits are our specialty .


"I walked  Butch from the hutch for two hours through Denver last week and it was truly the best experience of my life" -- Sammy the Psycho. Denver Heights Medical Care Centre

 "I lost my refund as I stewed Ronald the rabbit with the supplied carrots. Really tasty and well worth it even if I lost the $15 deposit". Horace Hungerford, Tuscon All-stars Housing project.